Caitlyn - Months Six to Twelve

We're doing more things now that I'm older.  I still have lots of growing up to do, and it's hard work.  But I'm learning to play more. 
All work and no play makes someone dull.  I don't know what dull is though.

Smiling and playing is what I do best!

Well, ok.  And sticking things in my mouth.


Like two peas in a pod!

I have to practice sitting up.  Sometimes my tongue helps me balance.

What does "psychopath" mean?


Bring it closer.  GIVE ME THAT!

Awwwwww....  A chorus.

I'm working on my relaxation techniques....

Ok, so maybe I'm having a little fun!  But a girl has to learn to kick-back a little!

Fine...  I'm watching some TV.  It's a good show!

Sitting up is hard to do!  Especially when I have help!

My first Soccer Ball!

Daddy's saying something about the opera.  I can't hear him!

What can I do with this?   It has strings.

I want to be the goalie!

Wait.  Snack break.

Sydney is teaching me how to read!

I can't understand a word she says anyway!

Blah, blah, blah.  What?

A new way to read independently!

Relaxing with Momma in the sun!  Stylin' with a flower!

Edible of course!

Purple tastes good!

Awwwwww....  Momma!

There are things to see though.  What's Daddy doing?

At 9 months we're eating "Stage 2" foods.  I think that is a fancy way of saying "messy"

And not always tasty either.

Sydney traded toys with me.  I think I came out better!

Happy Girls in Confinement!

Easter 2006

Vacation 2006

At 9 months old, I'm learning to crawl!

 Look out, here I come!

 I'm getting better at my balance too!  Momma and Daddy say I'll be walking soon.

 Cruising and lifting myself up on things is getting easier!

 And there's my motivation for learning:  Sydney.

 Together we can accomplish anything.  Or at least have fun trying.

 I think they should waive the requirement of age for the Red Hat Society.
I look good!

Great Grandma Feustel Visit

 If one is fun, two should be better, right?

 Sydney tries to help clean the hard to reach places!

 Two little fishies, swimming in the sea....

 Did YOU do that????


 That sudsy stuff smells good.

At 11 months, standing is becoming easier.  I can stand AND pick things up!

Want a lizard?