Caitlyn - Months Three to Six
This whole growing up thing
takes lots of work. First it's being born, then coming home, then eating
and sleeping.
Then there's more every day it seems! More to do every day.
Now that I'm over three months old, we got to dress up and go to church.
That's me. And Momma and Daddy too.
I did real good up until the water on the head thing. Then the passy helped.
We're done! Where's food?
Daddy says I'm changing every day. I don't see it!
At three and a half months, I'm
getting more purposeful movements I'm told.
Have my movements not been purposeful before? Just because nobody
understands my purpose doesn't mean there isn't one!
See Thanksgiving 2005 Pictures
This is my first Thanksgiving!
At four months old, things are
relatively stable. I'm trying rice cereal for the first time.
It's nasty. We'll wait a while on that!
See Christmas 2005 Pictures
This is my first Christmas!
At five months, I'm getting bigger. Daddy says I'm getting a personality.
I have a hand!
I laugh more and more (usually because Daddy is being silly)
When Sydney watches Little Einstein, I can do anything! TV Coma.
I'm beginning to sit up on my own, and not fall over as much!
We're working on standing too! I'm getting stronger!
Sydney was trying to teach me how to read the pretty pictures.
We're starting to try some "real" foods. I
keep wanting to feed myself.
Daddy mumbles something about "coordination"